Executives & Professionals

Serving Executives & Professionals
It has taken a lot of drive and determination to get to where you are today. And being an executive can bring great esteem and compensation packages. But a demanding career as an executive can bring high taxes, big financial risks and limited time to deal with all the complexity. We have the utmost respect for your sacrifice and your role as a leader. And we believe the right kind of planning can help you enjoy the fruits of your labor and achieve clarity and peace of mind.
Our focus is centered on you. We want to know what’s in your head and your heart as much as what is on your balance sheet. This allows us to deliver planning that’s tailored to your unique needs. With the busy life you lead, we understand that time is precious. We take a holistic view to ensure all areas of planning are considered in a coordinated way. From retirement, stock plans, tax, insurance and estate plan to student loans, mortgage and spending decisions… we support you so you can focus your time and energy on your career and family with the confidence that your plan is on track.
The challenges of business leadership are constantly changing. We can’t predict the path your career will take or the twists and turns life may bring. But we can prepare and plan today to create a future you want for yourself and your family.
We help you formulate a plan that that is built to accomplish your dreams and goals, not to just accumulate financial stuff and not to measure against what your colleagues and friends are doing. More than information, we provide guidance – a financial game plan, in a language you understand, to align your wealth with your values. And we partner with you as the guide for your journey – from early career to sending kids to college and on to retirement and leaving your legacy.

In our investment advisory work, we serve as fiduciaries, and our planning process is centered around your best interests. Always doing the right thing for our clients is more than a legal standard, it’s core to who we are. We deeply appreciate the trust clients place in us and always do our best to honor that.
Complimentary Resources for Executives
Areas of Planning
Values Centered Planning
We help build YOUR plan, not ours. We take time to understand your key goals, values and relationships.
- Clarify objectives
- Thoughtful questions
- Redefine “wealth”
Net Worth Analysis
We build a complete map of what you own and what you owe and provide access via your client website.
- Assets & liabilities
- Liquidity considerations
- Up-to-date info available on demand
- Secure vault to share documents
Cash Flow Analysis
Understanding your income and how it’s spent and saved is foundational to good financial planning. We help make it simple.
- Lifetime income/expense projection
- Optimized accumulation strategy
- Stress-testing
Executive Benefits Planning
From stock options to restricted stock and others, we help you better understand your employer stock plan, its options and how to incorporate them in your overall financial planning.
- Analyze current and future value
- Evaluate income tax consequences
Funding a Unique Lifestyle
For those looking to retire early or shift to a passion-focused career, unique planning strategies may be required to avoid being handcuffed by corporate pressures or tax rules.
- Lifetime cash flow
- Plan stress testing
- ‘What if’ scenarios
Insurance Strategies
Protecting your human capital is a keystone part of your financial plan. We make sure this gets done in a measured and intentional way.
- Audit of current coverage
- Life Insurance
- Disability Insurance
- Help with implementation
Retirement Planning
Gain clarity on whether you are on track to maintain your unique lifestyle throughout your lifetime.
- Retirement funding analysis
- ‘What if’ scenarios
- Income strategies
- Social security planning
Investment Management
Most have investments, but few have a defined investment strategy and a plan for how various accounts best fit together.
- Due diligence & research
- Coordinated strategy across all assets
- Navigate volatility
Estate Organization
Design a path that creates a legacy of wealth and values. Ensure assets are protected and your goals are achieved.
- Clarify legacy desires & core issues
- Review titling and beneficiaries
- Analysis of trusts and other key documents
- Asset protection
Tax Strategies
We identify opportunities to minimize taxes and maximize your wealth.
- Tax-minimization strategies
- Coordinate with CPA
Education Funding
Education is an investment in your human capital. We help create a plan to fund your family’s education goals.
- Calculate future cost and savings goals
- Custom education funding strategies
Charitable Giving
Giving is in our DNA. We’ll help make sure your wealth has the biggest impact for the causes you care about most.
- Clarify charitable & legacy goals
- Tax-efficient giving strategies